Excel 2016 pivot chart tutorial
Excel 2016 pivot chart tutorial

excel 2016 pivot chart tutorial

Excel should now remember the previous range so you just have to click on OK button Let’s say we want to list employee names as rows and use columns to represent customer names and fill in the cells with the total sales. Click on the Row Labels drop down list as shown belowĪ two-dimensional pivot table is a table that has fields on both rows and columns.Let’s assume we are only interested in Alfreds Futterkiste This button allows us to sort/filter our data. Notice the drop down button next to Rows Labels.Note the above data has been grouped by customer company name, product name, unit price, sum of quantities and the sum of the subtotals.Your worksheet should now look as follows.

excel 2016 pivot chart tutorial

You can download the sample Excel data here.

excel 2016 pivot chart tutorial

The image below shows the sample sales data collated from North wind access database. Step by Step tutorial on creating pivot tables Pivot tables allow us to analyse, summarize and show only relevant data in our reports. let’s say you have a sales data for different regions, with a pivot table, you can summarize the data by region and find the average sales per region, the maximum and minimum sale per region, etc. Visualizing pivot table data using chartsĪ Pivot Table is a summary of a large dataset that usually includes the total figures, average, minimum, maximum, etc.Step by Step tutorial on creating pivot tables.In this tutorial, we are going to cover the following topics Pivot tables allow us to analyse such data and produce reports that meet our business reporting requirements. There will be times when you will be required to analyse large amounts of data and produce easy to read and understand reports.

Excel 2016 pivot chart tutorial